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2018 MACSP Reflections

December 07 2018

2018 MACSP Technology Conference

I had the opportunity to attend the MACSP Technology Conference in October. It was a great conference with amazing presenters and numerous technology companies eager to help agencies and service providers improve the delivery of their services. Here are some of my reflections from the conference:

  • Technology is everywhere, doing all things-
  • Technology usually makes things easier, more efficient, and trackable but can be frustrating and time consuming, especially to implement a new technology. Change and transitions can be difficult, but in the end, it helps individuals and agencies in many ways to provide better service, improves means of communication and connections with others, and can lead to new possibilities.

  • No narrow visions-
  • Universal design was mentioned several times throughout the conference. All attendees at this conference have a clear understanding of the obstacles that many of our clients endure, and we work tirelessly to aid them in overcoming these barriers. One of the presenters, Dan Habib, stated “Disability is a normal part of the world.” He urged us to see how technology is a universally designed product that allows all people to live to their potential. His presentation on how technology has improved his son’s life, as well as the lives of many others, had me fist pumping and shouting “YES!!” Technology has been essential in leveling the playing field for individuals with disabilities and creating a world, where all people, of all abilities experience life with fewer barriers.

  • Community Providers have the biggest hearts!
  • I have worked in this field for over 20 years working as a DSP, a Special Education teacher and an agency administrator. I miss teaching and having those “ah-ha” moments with students, parents, and co-workers. Conference attendees who work with same population renewed my belief that there are amazing, caring, and invested workers and caregivers. Administrators, DSPs, schools, and family members work with minimal resources, receive little thanks, and meet frustrations daily but their work is essential and invaluable. They help provide a brighter life for people and their communities. Any tool that we can give these folks to aid in their caring is necessary.

  • Candy Overkill-
  • I don’t know if it was because Halloween was right around the corner, but there was SO MUCH candy! Next year I will bring something that is NOT chocolate; nuts, dried fruits, popcorn, apples! Thank goodness our Chap Stick was a hit!

  • All in all, this conference, its presenters, and its attendees were heart-warming, uplifting, and inspiring and I was grateful for the opportunity to participate and proud to be a member of this huge community of providers!

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